2013年12月6日 星期五
選對防曬產品 我也是愛海洋的白皙水美人!
1. 廣效性防曬(Broad spectrum protection) :代表這個防曬產品可以廣效抵抗紫外線A 和B(即UVA和UVB)。
2. 防曬係數(sun protection factor, SPF):意指延後被UVB曬傷的時間,例如:假設在某狀況下曝曬10分鐘後會曬傷,塗上SPF 15的防曬乳讓使用者延後150分鐘後才會曬傷。要留心的是,這並不包含抵抗UVA的能力!目前防曬乳針對UVA的保護效果,並沒有像UVB有國際公認標準(即SPF),不同的國家有不同針對UVA表示方法,例如:PA、PFA、IPD、 PPD、IPF、UVA-PF,因為UVA對皮膚傷害可達真皮層,且是慢性累積,難以建立國際公認量測標準。
1. 利用前述定義推論,SPF30的防曬乳可讓使用者比使用SPF15爭取多一倍的時間不會被曬傷,實際上兩者對UVB的遮蔽率分別為96.67%和93.33%,SPF30對比SPF15的防曬乳,並沒有提供雙倍防護效果,而超高防曬係數SPF50遮蔽率也僅有98%,與SPF30的差距不到2%。更遑論這些延後曬傷時間還取決於許多要件,例如:塗抹的量、使用者的皮膚狀態等,直白地說,理論歸理論、實際歸實際。然而防曬係數越高,卻反而造成皮膚越大的負擔。一般來說,皮膚科醫師會較建議消費者使用SPF≦30的產品。美國食品藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)已經對廠商提出要求,希望不要生產超過SPF50的產品。
2. 高係數產品也不能抵擋UVA!然而UVA卻是主要引起皮膚傷害、抑制免疫力及誘發皮膚癌的因子之一。通常係數越高會較油膩,也讓大家以為只要用一點點防曬乳就可以長時間曝曬,然而不僅無法有效減少UVA的危害,還對皮膚造成負擔。
1. 不要選擇噴霧或是粉狀的防曬產品
2.不要選擇含有維他命A(Vitamin A), 二苯甲酮(oxybenzone)的防曬產品
常見的維他命A成分為棕櫚酸維他命A酯(retinyl palmitate) 和視黃醇(retinol),通常用在保養品中當做抗老化成分,在夜間保養或室內使用也許有一定功效,但2010年研究顯示,在陽光曝曬的皮膚上若有維他命A的成分,容易使皮膚產生癌症或病變,然而目前有1/4的防曬產品仍含有這個成分,因此建議大家不要使用含有維他命A的防曬產品。
3. 保護自己,也保護珊瑚礁,不要選擇含有以下成分的防曬油。
根據2008年由義大利科學家Roberto Danovaro 等人的研究指出,粗估每年約有4000-6000噸的防曬乳從海邊戲水的民眾身上淘洗到海水裡,以一瓶60克的防曬乳換算,大約等同66,666,666瓶!而這些防曬乳裡面含有的成分(通常也是廣泛使用的成分),包括:對羥苯甲酸丁酯(butylparaben,作為防腐劑之用), 桂皮酸鹽(octinoxate, 過濾UV), 二苯甲酮(oxybenzone,過濾UV)及甲基亞芐亞基樟腦(4-methylbenzylidene camphor ,4MBC, 過濾UVB)等四種化合物,即便在低劑量的情況下,會刺激珊瑚的共生藻體內的病毒攻擊共生藻,間接使珊瑚白化甚至死亡,而共生藻死亡後的病毒被釋入海水後,導致周邊海水病毒濃度增加,提高了其他珊瑚體內共生藻的感染率。
想要知道自己的防曬乳是不是安全,趕快拿起來看看背後的成分表!想要知道資訊可參考美國NGO組織Environmental working group:
2013年12月1日 星期日
2013年10月24日 星期四
為了幫助診斷病情,美國攝影師爸爸Timothy Archibald拍下了他五歲的自閉症兒子的特殊行為。然而,顯然爸爸的攝影功力實在太扎實,搭配上兒子的艱澀難懂的動作,原本醫學用途的照片成了藝術作品。
2013年10月17日 星期四
35 Clearest Waters In The World To Swim In Before You Die
35 Clearest Waters In The World To Swim In Before You Die
Every one loves taking a dip in the clearest of waters on a beautiful hot summers day. So if you are missing the summer already then check out our list of 35 of the most clearest waters in the world to swim, do some underwater exploring, and come back with amazing photographs.
1. Linapacan Island, Palawan, Philippines
Photo: Scott Sporleder
This island is in a remote province and home to many beaches with super clear water. The island has a population of just 14,180 people.
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2. The Maldives
Photo: Richy
The 26 atolls that make up the Maldives sit in the Indian Ocean about 400km southwest of the tip of the subcontinent. Abundant reef wildlife (including whale sharks) + incredibly clear waters bring in a lot of tourists.
3. Bodrum, Turkey
Photo: Oky – Space Ranger
Along the southern coast of the peninsula of the same name, Bodrum has an ancient history and was the site of one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World (the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus). It also has some amazingly clear water.
4. Cayo Coco, Cuba
Photo: O.Taillon
A resort island on Cuba’s north coast, Cayo Coco is linked to the mainland by a 27km causeway. The adjacent reef and clear waters have earned international recognition as a diving destination.
5. Cala Macarelleta, Menorca, Spain
Photo: visualpanic
At the south end of the Mediterranean island of Menorca, the beach at Cala Macarelleta can only be reached on foot or by boat — probably one of the least-crowded beaches you’ll find in Spain and perfect if like to take a swim alone.
6. To Sua Ocean Trench, Samoa
Photo: To Sua Ocean Trench
To Sua Ocean Trench is a clear water pool located in Lotofaga village. To Sua means ‘big hole’ and has been converted into a large swimming area. A ladder is installed on side for visitors to access this 30 meters deep pool.
7. Crater Lake, Oregon
Photo: Grant Montgomery
Visibility in Crater Lake has been measured at 43.3m — among the highest in the world. There is only one access point down to the lake — a steep, mile-long trail. It is easy enough to get down but the climb back can be tiring. So best decide if it’s worth the swim before venturing down.
8. Bak Bak Beach, Borneo
Photo: Bearnerd Bondly
This unique beach is made up of mostly stone and you can find some interesting sea life here.
9. Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan, China
Photo: Who is taking pictures?
In the north of Sichuan province, the Jiuzhaigou Valley is a national park, nature reserve, and UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to several crystal-clear lakes, it’s a region of multi-tiered waterfalls and snowy mountains. Tourism arrived late but is growing strong, and while swimming isn’t allowed…there’s always nighttime skinny dipping.
10. Sabah, Malaysia
Photo: Zahriel
Another one from the remote Malaysian state, which covers the northern portion of Borneo and is ringed by reef-rich islands. This photo was taken near Semporna, which is a hub for people who come to dive Malaysian Borneo.
11. Jenny Lake, Wyoming
Photo: Jeff Clow
Jenny Lake sits right below the peak of Grand Teton and is a landmark for many hiking trails, backcountry trails, and climbing routes. Despite the fact that motorboats are allowed on the lake, its waters are still considered pristine.
12. Rio Sucuri, Brazil
Photo: Luiz Felipe Sahd
Located in the Pantanal region of Brazil, Rio Sucuri is a spring-fed river that has some of the measurably clearest water on Earth. Multiple tour outfits run trips that let you snorkel the river.
13. Calanque de Sormiou, France
Photo: Paspog
Calanques are steep-walled coves, and there’s a series of them along the 20km stretch of coast between Marseille and Cassis. Sormiou is one of the largest of these, and it’s popular for its nearby climbing routes as well as its beach.
14. Panari Island, Okinawa, Japan
Photo: ippei + janine
Panari, also called Aragusuku, is one of the Yaeyama Islands, the most remote area of Japan. The islands are also known as one of the world’s best diving destinations, having a number of coral species and marine lives as large as those in the Great Barrier Reef. (Over 400 types of corals, 5 types of sea turtles, manta rays, whale sharks and all kinds of tropical fish species all live around Okinawa.)
15. Puerto Ayora, Galapagos
Photo: Bill Bouton
The most populous town in the Galapagos still sits right up next to some amazingly clear ocean water. Even here in Academy Bay, you can see pelicans, iguanas, sea lions, herons, rays, and other iconic wildlife.
16. Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Photo: SteveD.
The photo above was taken in the Bonsai Rock area, on the east shore of the lake, which apparently flies under the radar.
17. Cayos Cochinos, Honduras
Photo: Scott Sporleder
The Cayos Cochinos is a unique retreat for travelers looking to escape urban landscapes and crowded tourism centers. The islands have no roads, thus no cars or bikes and all areas are accessed by hiking.
The perfect place for a secluded swim.
The perfect place for a secluded swim.
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18. Primosten, Croatia
Photo: Mike Le Gray Photography
Primosten is most famous for its vineyards, in addition to beaches that have been voted the best in the country.
19. St. George, Bermuda
Photo: JoshuaDavisPhotography
The oldest continuously inhabited English settlement in the New World features many historic forts, like the small Gates Fort pictured above. Also: some damn clear water that calls out for you to take a swim.
20. Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
Photo: ThomasOfNorway
Visit on a weekend during high season and you’ll be surrounded by busloads of tourists. Best to visit on a slow day with clear conditions, it’s some of the best snorkeling in Hawaii.
21. Pupu Springs, New Zealand
Photo: pie4dan
At the very top of the South Island, on Golden Bay, the photographer says: “14000 liters of crystal clear water comes out of these springs per second!”
22. Calanque d’En-Vau, France
Photo: afer92
Another calanque on the southern coast of France, d’En-Vau has a narrower, steeper channel than Sormiou, giving a real feeling of seclusion and emphasizing the clarity of the water in this cove.
23. Rio Azul, Argentina
Photo: David Miller
The entire Rio Azul waters come from the glaciers and snowfields of the Andes and the water is so incredibly clear and pure that its possible to drink.
24. Corfu, Greece
Corfu sits in the Ionian Sea, off the northwest coast of Greece. Prior to the 1900s, most of the tourists that visited were European royalty. Today, its crystal clear waters draw a lot of package-tours to swim in the waters.
25. Aitutaki, Cook Islands
Photo: Ross Borden
Aitutaki is one of 15 islands that make up the Cook Islands. It has a population of approximately 2,000. and is the second most visited island of the Cook Islands.
26. Koh Phi Phi Don, Thailand
Photo: mynameisharsha
Made famous when its smaller neighbor, Koh Phi Phi Leh, was used as the filming location for The Beach, the main island sees a lot of traffic from both backpackers and luxury travelers these days. Water like this is a big part of the draw.
27. Playa Blanca, Colombia
Photo: Ross Borden
This is a 45-minute boat ride from Cartagena and well worth the trip. In between swims in that crystal-clear blue water, be sure to snag some fresh ceviche from one of the vendors walking up and down the beach.
28. Blue Lake, New Zealand
Photo: Kathrin & Stefan
One of many bodies of water in this list that someone or other has claimed has the clearest water in the world, Blue Lake is located in Nelson Lakes National Park, in the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
29. Königssee, Germany?
Photo: Unknown
This one’s made the rounds on the internet, but no one really seems to know where it was taken, or by whom. The best guess I found was the Königssee, a lake in southern Bavaria, near the border with Austria. If you have any info, clue us in.
30. Valle Verzasca, Switzerland
The clear waters of the Verzasca River run for 30km through this rocky valley in southern Switzerland. A dam of the same name, featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye, blocks the river’s flow and forms Lago di Vogorno. Just downstream from it, the river empties into Lake Maggiore.
31. Tioman Island, Malaysia
Photo: Unknown
This photo comes from the town of Kampung Genting on Tioman Island, off the east coast of peninsular Malaysia. Away from its beaches, there’s significant rainforest terrain in the interior, where you can see the endemic soft-shelled turtle and the Tioman walking catfish.
32. Belo Sur Mer, Madagascar
Photo: Ross Borden
Belo Sur Mer is a super-isolated section of coastline known for diving, fishing and the fact that almost no one makes the trip down there for a swim.
33. Lake Marjorie, California
Photo: SteveD.
Lakes in the High Sierra come in a number of colors, this particular one has an aquamarine “swimming pool” tint. Crater Mountain dominates the skyline, with Pinchot Pass to the south.
34. Dog Island, San Blas, Panama
Photo: Scott Sporleder
Another from Scott Sporleder, here is a shot from one of Panama’s San Blas Islands, the largest of the politically autonomous reservations of the Kuna Indians.
35. Mystery spot
Photo: Imgur